If the user can be identified unequivocally through the network socket in his room and if the used device is accepted for passwordless authentication (these are devices by manufacturer TP-Link and Apple), passwordless login, even with incorrect login credentials (like wrong user ID or password), will be permitted.
The advantage of this is that even in cases where the user has wrong credentials configured in his Internet login data (e.g. wrong password or user name, or a typo), Internet access is available. However, this feature does only work if the connected device can be unequivocally identified and matched to the network socket of the user.
Passwordless authentication on https://netstat.stw-bonn.de is possible if the access is carried out through an existing Internet dial-in connection.
In addition, passwordless authentication is possible without an existing dial-in connection if the access is carried out from the network socket of one's own room in cases where the network socket can be identified unequivocally and matched to the user. In shared apartments, for multiple rented properties and the like, passwordless authentication is usually not possible since unequivocally identification of the network socket is not given.