Data volume

The StudNet is a highspeed network. Each network socket connected to the fibre backbone is much faster than a standard DSL socket. Due to this a single user can cause very high data volume traffic within a short period of time.

Each user connected to the fibre backbone has a data volume of 4096 GByte (4 TByte) per month in incoming direction (download). The use of data volume is multiplied depending on daytime as follows:

  • 10am-6pm 100%
  • 6pm-0am 400% (data volume is counted four times)
  • 0am-10am 0% (Happy-Hour, no accounting)

Excluded from the accounting is data volume which is transferred within the StudNet.

After passing the 4096 GByte (4 TByte) limit the account will be throttled to 2048 kBit/s (2 MBit/s). This throttling will only be applied between 10am to midnight. To speed up your account, additional data volume can be purchased for 0,025 € per GByte over the prepaid account.

Overview current data volume: